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Welcome to My home page. This page is a mix of all the things that I enjoy in life. I have a page devoted to Kirby, Zelda, and Team Fortress Classic. I also have a chat room in the developing stages of going public from private. I hope you enjoy visiting this site.
I f
e e l d i z z y
Cheats |
A great place to find cheats on almost every game. |
Nintendo |
Nintendo's homepage is chalked full of gaming material. |
Homestar | A great cartoon site for hours of enjoyment |
If you like The Legends of Zelda as much as I do, you should check this site out.
I've searched the web high and low, and found these animations. I hope you enjoy them.
Here's a really simple game called Real Invaders, your basic "save the world from the evil alien menace". And even though it's seemingly easy, you can still get hooked on it because it gets progressively harder.
click here to go to my page of Downloads!
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